Eco Swaps For You and Your Home

Looking to be more sustainable and shop consciously, but not sure where to begin? We're here to help. Discover our top finds to help you make some simple swaps for your food, home and clothes, as well as looking after our planet.


  • Reusable Silicone Sandwich Bag by Stasher - whether you’re meal prepping and packing your lunch, or just trying to keep your tinted moisturiser from exploding into your gym bag, this Stasher reusable sandwich bag is a total crowd pleaser.

  • Bee's Wrap - the Bees Wraps provide a breathable and ideal way to store vegetables, snacks and much more. Simply use the warmth of your hands to form Bee's Wrap over the top of your product and the wrap will hold its shape when it cools, creating a seal.
  • The Avocado Sock - simply insert an un-ripened avocado into the sock, and place in a warm, dry place. Do not remove avocado from sock while ripening. Press gently on avocado through top opening to check for ripeness. Avocado is ripe when it yields to soft pressure. It will ripen in as little as 24 to 48 hours.


  • Bamboo Toothbrush by The Humble Co. - the world’s most sold bamboo toothbrush for adults. Humble Brush has a handle made from 100% biodegradable, sustainably-grown bamboo. The bristles are made of nylon-6 bristles from Dupont. The packaging is eco-friendly, the box and inside wrapper are made from recycled materials, and can be thrown out with the organic trash.

  • All-Purpose Cleaner by Colt & Willow - this all purpose cleaner combines essential oils and plant-based cleaning ingredients to tackle pretty much anything in your house. This product is perfect for use on surfaces such as stove tops, tiles, bench tops, laminates, high chairs and not forgetting door handles.
  • Daily Floor Spray by Tincture - suitable for all types of flooring, including wood, stone and marble, you can care for your floors and keep bacteria at bay without using harmful chemicals. Their 100% natural blend includes eucalyptus, thyme, rosemary oils, chamomile extract and active silver. Derived from monastic herbal remedies, this special mixture will make cleaning your floors a breeze.


  • Wool Dryer Balls by THE FIND - the dryer balls are all-natural, with no synthetic fibres or chemicals used. They will not unravel and will last for years. Wool dryer balls are quieter and more gentle on clothing than plastic dryer balls. Using dryer balls saves your dryer from residues left from chemical fabric softeners.
  • Washing Bag by Guppyfriend - this Washing Bag is the first scientifically approved solution to prevent microfibres from entering into rivers and oceans. It results in fewer fibre losses and thus helps your garments last longer. Those microfibres that break during washing are captured inside the bag.
  • Anti-Moth Spray by Mrs White's - simply spray around your room, blankets, and clothes to ensure no moths attempt to cause havoc around your house. As with all Mrs White’s products, their anti-moth spray is all natural, containing no harmful chemicals.

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