Your Weekly Finds

The Gift of Failure

The Gift of Failure by Jessica Lahey

An essential book for any parent. The Gift of Failure helps parents understand when to take a step back and allow their children to experience the disappointment and frustration that comes with life’s inevitable issues. Focusing on the critical school years, this book teaches parents the importance of letting children experience failure in order for them to develop into successful, resilient and independent adults.

Sustainable Maternity Clothing - Isabella Oliver

Sustainable Maternity Clothing - Isabella Oliver

With a mission to care for people and the planet, Isabella Oliver offers a wide range of maternity clothing including dresses, tops, jeans, skirts, knitwear, maternity loungewear and workwear made from eco-friendly and sustainable materials. They also have some great eco-friendly laundry products for sustainable clothing care.


Peanut App

Peanut App

If you’re looking to make new mum friends, this app is perfect for you. The Peanut App is a safe space for women to connect, meet, ask questions and find support. Whether you’re navigating through fertility, pregnancy, motherhood or menopause, the app gives you access to a community of women who are there to listen, share knowledge, experiences and offer valuable advice.


 Motherhood Sessions Podcast

Motherhood Sessions Podcast

In this podcast, reproductive psychiatrist, Dr. Alexandra Sacks, lets us listen in on her conversations with mothers as they reveal some of their most intimate struggles. Every episode of Motherhood Sessions features tough conversations that we're often too scared to have with friends, or truths that we fear to say out loud. A beautifully deep and honest podcast that can resonate with others about life's struggles of motherhood.

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