How to Sustainably Organise Your Wardrobe

With autumn in full swing, it seems like the time is now to pack away your summer swimwear and trade it in for your coats and cashmeres – and what better time to brave a wardrobe detox. Here are our tips for organising your wardrobe space sustainably, with some expert advice from stylist Lilian Roth on how to organise your wardrobe sustainably.

Get Organised Early

Getting reacquainted with your autumn/winter wardrobe before you start doing any shopping for the new season is key, as it will help you minimise waste by avoiding buying anything that you will struggle to style. Stylist Lilian Roth recommends arranging your wardrobe into four piles:

  • Items that don’t represents you anymore and need to go (donations or re-selling)
  • A pile you need to think over still – stuff that you can’t part from yet and will be keeping for next winter
  • Clothes in need of alterations. Believe me – there will be lots of items that can be updated to be more trendy and you will love them again!
  • Clothes to keep – you can start wearing these right now!

“I know it may feel daunting having to sort through a whole wardrobe full of clothes, but set aside a weekend for it and as soon as it’s done, you’ll be reaping the rewards all season” says Lilian. “If you feel that you can’t do it by yourself, find a professional and I promise you the results are so worth it! Once everything is organised, you can really assess where the gaps in your wardrobe actually are and where you can invest in.”

Sustainable Fashion

Once that’s all done…


Donating clothes you no longer need to a local charity shop will help them find a new home and avoid landfills – as well as going to a great cause. We often overlook items that are too damaged to pass on, but there are several useful ways these too can be used. Consider checking out your local textile and fabric recycling spots, finding out about council textile collections, or donating your unwanted pieces to animal shelters, which often use old fabrics for animals in their care.

Remember to Rent

If you’ve got a wedding or a big occasion coming up and you’re looking for a new outfit, remember that renting your look is always a great option. Platforms like MyWardrobeHQ and ByRotation will allow you to rent designer brands for a fraction of the price – while reducing waste from one-use purchases.

Equally, if you have some fabulous pieces that are just sitting in your wardrobe but you can’t bear to part with permanently, lending them out is a great way to give someone the chance to enjoy them – while allowing you to earn from your clothes. It’s always a win-win.

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